2014年7月3日 星期四

[Android] Error : Multiple dex files define

[2014-07-03 17:40:01 - Dex Loader] 
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/AdRequest$ErrorCode;

[2014-07-03 17:40:01 - DemoActivity] 
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/AdRequest$ErrorCode;

These err msg seems due to improper settings in "Java Build path".

MIGHT because of you've put your *.lib file in the lib folder AND ALSO including them in build path config.
So you got a conflict.

Solution :
1. Right click on your project 
2. Select Build Path > Configure Build Path.
3. Uncheck your xxx.jar under "Order & Export" tab.

means just put jar file into lib folder, right click then "add to path".
no need to check them in that tab. that works for me.


練一下破英文 XD

去Build path 裡面的  "Order & Export"  把 jar 取消打勾就好了
只要把想要的jar放在lib資料夾裡面即可  不用再跑去 "Order & Export" 底下把他們打勾

